Global In On/Off
This menu provides on buttons for each individual input including the analog inputs and signal generator�
The ducker allows a signal to temporarily attenuate below another signal when said signal activates the ducking feature�
This is useful when making announcements and other such times when a signal needs to be heard clearly� The ducker
can be activated on input and output channels by pushing the 'Duck' buttons found in the individual Matrix control pages�
There are two of these 'duckers' total on the DMP801�
Source: This is used to select the source of the duck function; ie� the trigger signal� When the selected source's signal
rises to a user-selected level, the currently selected 'duck' signals will attenuate at the selected level�
Threshold: This determines the level that the source signal needs to be before the ducking function will be activated�
Depth: This determines how much the selected 'duck' signals will be attenuated�
Attack: The attack time is the time it takes for the ducking feature to kick in after the source signal passes the selected
Release: The release time control will determine the time the 'duck' feature will remain active as the source signal drops
back below the set threshold�