Below you will find the onboard signal processors of the
DMP801 and information on their use and respective
parameter� These can be applied to any of the 8 input or
8 output channels of the DMP801�
Compressor Threshold: Use this control to set the
threshold of the compressor function� Any signals that
surpass the selected threshold will be compressed at the
selected ratio�
Compressor Attack: This control adjusts the attack time
of the compressor, essentially determining the time taken
for the compressor to kick in after it passes the selected
Ratio: This control can be used to set the ratio for the
compressor� The ratio is expressed as <input>:<output>�
Compressor Release: The release control determines
the time the DMP801 will wait before disengaging the
compressor when the signal bypasses the selected
Limiter Threshold: This control determines the threshold
for the limiter function� This means that no signal will
surpass the selected threshold, being 'compressed' at a
ratio of infinity:1.
Output Gain: This control determines the amount of gain
applied to the signal after already passing through the
On & Reset Buttons: The on button is, of course, used
to turn the Compressor-Limiter on and off, while the reset
button will reset all values to default�
On: This button turns the gate on and off�
Reset: Push the reset button to restore all parameters
back to default�
Dynamic Graph: This graph shows the currently set gate
properties and how it will affect your audio�
Level Meters: These meters give the input and output
level of the gate for the current channel�
Gain Reduction: The gain reduction meter will provide
a real-time indication of any reduction in signal caused
by the gate�
Threshold: This control will set the threshold of the gate
function� Any signals that fall below the set threshold will
activate the gate function�
Range: This control sets the amount of attenuation when
the gate is closed�
Attack: This control adjusts the attack time of the gate�
This is the time the DMP801 will wait after the signal
drops below the threshold before engaging the gate�
Hold: The hold will allow you to select the length of time
the gate will remain open after the signal drops below the
set threshold�
Release: The release control determines how long the
gate will wait before disengaging when the signal rises
back above the selected threshold�
On: This button turns the expander on and off�
Reset: Push the reset button to restore all parameters
back to default�
Dynamic Graph: This graph shows the currently set
expander properties and how it will affect your audio�
Level Meters: These meters give the input and output
level of the expander for the current channel�
Gain Reduction: The gain reduction meter will provide a
real-time indication of any reduction in signal caused by
the expander�
Threshold: This control will set the threshold of the
expander function� Any signals that fall below the set
threshold will activate the expander at the user-set ratio�
Ratio: This signal sets the ratio of the expander function�
When a signal drops below the threshold, the signal will
be decreased by the selected ratio�
Attack: This control adjusts the attack time of the gate�
This is the time the DMP801 will wait after the signal
drops below the threshold before engaging the gate�
Release: The release control determines how long the
gate will wait before disengaging when the signal rises
back above the selected threshold�
Adding a delay on output can be particularly helpful to
help time align drivers within a single cabinet or help avoid
delay in larger multi speaker setups� For example, when
there are a number of drivers in a single cabinet, typically
they're different distances from the front of the cabinet�
The tweeter, typically longer than the woofer, could have
its driver 8 inches deeper than the woofer� The problem
this creates is the sound from the woofer will be pushed
out a fraction of a second before the tweeter, arriving at
the wavefront at different times� Adding a 0�6 millisecond
delay to the woofer can combat this, essentially making
the signal wait for the tweeter to catch up�
Delay: Use this control to adjust the delay time� To the
right of the control, the selected delay will be indicated in
milliseconds, meters and feet�
Temperature Control: This allows you to set the current
temperature for the delay circuit� This allows the DMP801
to better refine the delay's 'meter' and 'feet' results. The
temperature is indicated in both degrees Celsius and
degrees Fahrenheit�
On & Reset Buttons: The on button is used to turn the
delay circuit on and off� The reset button resets all values
to default�