Forced Viewing
Forced viewing allows to view the room even if the baby is asleep and Full Eco Mode is
activated. Just switch on the baby unit from the parent unit:
1. press the
2. the message 'ECO MODE ACTIVATED' appears on the screen
3. press the
4. you see the video if the baby monitor functions correctly
5. after around 10 seconds the baby unit switches itself off again
Out of Range Indication with Full Eco mode On
When Full Eco Mode is activated, the units go into sleep mode and there is no connection
between them.
In Full Eco Mode the connection check is disabled and the connection indicator will
remain off.
The NUK Eco Control + Video has several settings that you can easily adjust via the parent unit
using a simple on-screen menu.
1. press the M button at the parent unit to open the menu
2. use the
3. press the M button to select the option (the selected option changes the colour from
light blue to dark blue and the items appear)
4. use the
start or end of the list)
5. press the M button to save the change
6. press the
If you do not press any button for 10 seconds* (*chapt. 10) the menu is closed.
You can go one step back in the menu structure at any time by pressing the
Apply these steps and you are able to adjust the following settings:
With the on-screen menu you can set the language in which messages and menu entries are
shown on the screen:
1. press the M button to open the menu
2. scroll to LANGUAGE
3. select and confirm the desired language
With the on-screen menu you can start and stop playing lullabies on the baby unit.
1. press the M button to open the menu
2. scroll to LULLABY
button at the parent unit
button again to activate the baby unit
buttons to scroll through the menu options
buttons to select a setting (you will hear 2 beeps when you reach the
button to close the menu