2.2 PR:O 8, PR:O 10 X, PR:O 12, PR:O 15
and PR:O 15 X in Satellite Mode with
the PR:O 18 S or the PR:O 210 S
First connect the speaker output of the powered mixer
or power amp to the subwoofer's input, and then
connect the subwoofer's SATELLITE OUT to the
PR:O 8, PR:O 10 X, PR:O 12, PR:O 15 and PR:O 15 X
full-range cabinet's input (IN).
The nominal impedance of systems consisting
of a combination of PR:O 18/210 S and PR:O 8,
PR:O 10 X, PR:O 12, PR:O 15 and PR:O 15 X cabinets
is 4 ohms!
2.3 PR:O 10 X, PR:O 12 M und PR:O 15 X
Connect the monitor power amp's speaker output to
the PR:O 10 X, PR:O 12 M und PR:O 15 X monitor's
input (IN). Depending on the type of power amp or
powered mixer that you are using, several
PR:O 10 X, PR:O 12 M und PR:O 15 X monitors can
be connected in parallel to one power amp channel.
• When two PR:O 10 X, PR:O 12 M and PR:O 15 X
monitors are -connected in parallel, overall
impedance is 4 ohms.
• When three PR:O 10 X, PR:O 12 M and
PR:O 15 X monitors are connected in parallel,
overall impedance is 2.7 ohms.
• When four PR:O 10 X, PR:O 12 M and PR:O 15 X
monitors are connected in parallel, overall
impedance is 2 ohms.
Do not allow the overall nominal impedance of the
connected monitors to fall below the power amp
channel's minimum impedance! If it does, you risk
destroying the power amp!
3 Troubleshooting
All speaker cords are connected, but no sound
is audible!
1 Check if the power amp is switched on and the
mixing console is connected to the power amp.
2 Check if the Speakon connectors that are plugged
into the input jacks are locked into place.
Twist the connector clockwise until it engages.
You have set up a satellite system and the mid/high
units are working fine but no low-end signal is heard
from the subwoofers!
1 Check if the PR:O 8, PR:O 10 X, PR:O 12,
PR:O 15 or PR:O 15 X full-range cabinets are
connected to the subwoofer's SATELLITE OUT. Be
sure to connect the cords in the proper sequence!
First connect the speaker output of the powered
mixer or power amp to the subwoofer's input, and
then connect the subwoofer's SATELLITE OUT to
the PR:O 8, PR:O 10 X, PR:O 12, PR:O 15 or
PR:O 15 X fullrange cabinet's input (IN).
For more on this, see the chapter,
Connecting Components and Speakers.
Figure 2.2: Powered mixer and/or mixer and a power amp
Figure 2.3: PR:O 12 M and PR:O 15 X monitors in action