6 Communication
The meteorological data can control the Vetus Weatherstation in different ways:
• Via a communication port, when data is supplied by a Vetus WSD802 windsensor.
This RS232/RS422 signal is connected to the serial port on the PC. The data string
generally consists of a number of ASCII characters, which are sent in a specific for-
• Via a network, in which case the weatherstation downloads data from the file server.
This can be either a Microsoft or a Novell Netware network.
6.1 Comport options
• Comport (Com1, Com2, Com3,
• Baudrate (300, 1200, 2400, 4800,
• Parity (none, even, odd)
• DataBits (7, 8)
• Stopbits (1,2)
Note: The settings in italic bold type-
face are suitable for the Vetus
WSD833 windsensor.
6.2. Network Options
• File location
• Display refreshment interval
Weather station for MHWSD833