8.3 Putting Data Stick and picture frame into
Note: The wireless connection between the Data Collector and Data Stick
has a limited range. Minimise the number of walls or fl oors between the
Data Collector and Data Stick.
Plug Data Stick into digital picture frame.
Switch on digital picture frame.
A start screen appears briefl y.
The "No signal, please check radio connection!" message appears
(Data Collector establishes wireless connection).
The system overview appears on the screen.
The system status reports "Load history". (The data is downloaded
from the PIKO inverter. Depending on the amount of data, this may
take 20 minutes or more.)
The yield diagrams are displayed on the digital screen.
8.4 Status symbols in system overview
Symbols in system overview
System status
The PIKO inverter is supplying power to the network.
Connection between Data Collector and PIKO inverter
has been successful.
PIKO inverter is in idle mode.
Not all connections to the PIKO inverter have been
established with success.
The Data Collector's connection cannot be established.
All the Data Collector's connections have been estab-
lished with success.