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Auto Programs
Auto Program Speed
Sound Active Mode
For manual operation of LEDs and lasers using DMX control, be sure Channel 1 is set to
the appropriate DMX address.
000 ó 015 Blackout
016 ó 030 Wash Only
031 ó 045 Lasers Only
046 ó 060 Derby Only
061 ó 075 Strobes Only
076 ó 090 Wash, Laser and Derby
091 ó 105 Wash, Laser and Strobes
106 ó 120 Wash, Derby and Strobes
121 ó 135 Laser, Derby and Strobes
136 ó 150 Wash and Laser
151 ó 165 Wash and Derby
166 ó 180 Wash and Strobes
181 ó 195 Laser and Derby
196 ó 210 Laser and Strobes
211 ó 225 Derby and Strobes
226 ó 255 All effects
000 ó 200 Selects speed, (slow to fast)
201 ó 255 Sound Active mode - all effects
Swarm Wash FX User Manual (Version 1.1)