3. The buckle FIG.7 must be fastened and the strap properly tightened so that it is comfor-
table, using the loop to secure the excess FIG. 8. Never use the helmet with the buckle
undone and the strap incorrectly tightened: the helmet has been designed to be worn
exclusively with the strap secured by the buckle and tight under the chin.
4. Some helmets are provided with a size adjustment system (this varies from model to
model as per the specific instructions for each individual model), which must be adjusted
after the helmet has been put on FIG.9 e FIG.10
If the size is adjusted using a headband (see Fig. 9-10), choose the measurement that
fits best your head.
To guarantee maximum protection this helmet must be in close contact with the head
and the fastening system always correctly adjusted and used according to the specific
instructions provided by the manufacturer.
NB: Before starting any activity always check that the helmet is correctly adjusted, the
buckle and straps are properly closed and fastened and the rubber loop secures the
excess part of the strap. The straps must be positioned so that they do not cover the ears
and the buckle must be a long way away from the jawbone. From time to time during acti-
vity check that the helmet is in the initial position and, if not, again adjust it to the correct
position. To ensure that the helmet and adjustment system stay securely fastened do not
wear caps, hoods, bunched hair, earphones or hairgrips. The helmet is personal property;
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