I. Congratulations on your new B RITA
Thank you for choosing B RITA quality for cleaner, clearer great tasting
B RITA filtered water straight from your B RITA Tap.
Next to hot and cold unfiltered water, your
BRITA system offers many advantages
BRITA water
• i mproves the taste of hot and cold drinks
• i s economical and convenient
• p rolongs domestic appliance life by preventing limescale
• i s ideal for cooking healthy food
• g ives full flavour and better tasting tea and coffee
The B RITA Tap has two levers. One for your standard hot and cold
unfiltered water and a B RITA branded lever for the B RITA filtered
The P 1000 filter cartridge is the key to cleaner,
clearer great tasting BRITA filtered water from
the BRITA Tap!
The P 1000 has a constant filtration performance for limescale
reduction thanks to its multilevel B RITA filtration system.
The professional filter head allows two filtration settings for hard
and very hard water.
The P 1000 filter cartridge
• r educes limescale and substances, e.g. chlorine, that affect
taste and odour.
• r educes lead or copper in tap water that can result from certain
types of household installation.
Lifetime of the P 1000 filter cartridge
The lifetime of the P 1000 cartridge is dependant on your individ-
ual volume usage and your water conditions. For optimum B RITA
filtration performance in the UK, we recommend a minimum
exchange of your cartridge every 6 months. Exchange will be
prompted by your B RITA electronic cartridge exchange indicator.
For more information regarding the B RITA electronic cartridge
exchange indicator, see chapter 3.2.
Tap System
BRITA cartridge
exchange indicator
P 1000
filter cartridge