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Fermax DUOX PLUS Skyline 6BP Manual De Instalador Y Usuario página 17


Configuración de parámetros por el instalador.
- Es posible configurar la placa de PULSADORES mediante la configuración asistida por voz. Ver
instrucción a través del código QR disponible en la parte trasera del amplificador o en
SW1 : Programming button
• Apartment terminals programming is always done from the panel activated as MASTER.
• Any installation can only have one MASTER panel at a time, whether a single or multiple
block installation, once configured as a sub-block, block or general entrance.
• A street panel is configured as a MASTER via the SW1 amplifier button. If the SW1 button
is pressed 3 times quickly, it is activated as a MASTER panel and a confirmation tone
sounds (beep-beep), after 2 seconds. You can also configure it via a code on the keypad,
see Section II.
• When a panel is selected as MASTER, it notifies the rest of the situation and if another
was previously configured, it would automatically stop being so.
• If there are various blocks in an installation, we recommend using the general entrance
panel as MASTER since it allows you to program all of its telephones/monitors.
• Once having completed the terminal´s configuration, we recommend deactivating the
MASTER panel to avoid accidentally reprogramming terminals.
• The panel deactivates itself from master mode following the same activation procedure: 3
quick presses of the SW1 button. A deactivation tone sounds (bip-bop), after 2 seconds.
Configuration - Programming the Amplifier
The DUOX amplifier can be configured to allow for the operation as a general entrance,
block entrance or sub-block entrance.
• The DUOX system uses 6 digit house terminal addresses.
• These call code digits are organised as follows: BBSSNN:
- BB: indicates the Block number, (from 00 to 99).
- SS: indicates the sub-Block number, (from 00 to 99).
- NN: indicates the sub-Block house number, (from 00 to 99).
You do not have to segregate the installation according to this hierarchy since the system
adapts to the installation´s needs.
Configuration of the parameters by the installer.
- You can configure the BUTTONS panel via the voice assisted programming. See instructions via the
QR codes on the back of the amplifier or at
SW1 : Bouton de programmation
• La programmation des terminaux du logement se fait toujours à partir de la platine activée
en tant que MASTER.
• Quelle que soit l'installation (un seul bâtiment ou plusieurs), il ne peut y avoir qu'une seule
platine MASTER à la fois, qu'elle soit configurée comme platine de sous-bâtiment, de
bâtiment ou d'entrée générale.
• Une platine de rue est configurée en tant que platine MASTER via le bouton-poussoir SW1
Platine MASTER

