Alarm indications
1) Work time loaded from EEPROM is wrong
LED "L2" will fl ash and the system remains blocked:
The only way to solve this situation is to enter the program mode and reprogram the
system. If the problem persists after reprogramming, the EEPROM will have to be
replaced (incorrect memorising).
2) Both travel limits have cut-in
This situation is indicated by the periodical activation of the fl ashing warning lamps which
are activated for 3 second periods repeated every six seconds.
The only way to solve this problem is to check the travel limits for obstacles or damage
and then restart the system.
The system is designed to operate without mechanical closing travel limits; the work time
management allows the system to control the position of the garage door. The following
points however should be taken into consideration:
1) Due to climatic variations or mechanical wear the performance of the system can change.
A work time programmed without leaving a margin of tolerance (extra time) may not be
suffi cient to complete the manoeuvre (in other words, over a period of time the bar may
remain slightly open). To avoid this situation proceed as follows:
1a) During programming keep the motor under tension for a couple of seconds after
the opening cycle has terminated.
1b) The programmer automatically allows for a 3 second increase in order to guarantee
that during repeated travel direction inversion manoeuvres the forcing movement of
the bar does not cause this problem.
Example: with the bar completely open
Command sequence: the bar closes for 1 second then opens
Result: the bar moves in the closing direction for 1 second and in the opening
direction for 1 + 3 seconds, so the motor remains under tension for 3 seconds
after the bar is completely open.
If this situation causes problems to the structure of the bar an opening travel limit will have
to be installed. The problem does not exist however for the closing cycle because the bar
is completely closed after the manoeuvre.
2) During blackouts the programmer will lose the position of the bar and the following
situations will occur:
Attention! To enable this situation; when the system is restarted with the bar not
completely closed the motor will be kept under tension (for longer than normally
necessary) during the fi rst cycle. This remains valid until the cycle has been completed
and the bar is completely closed. At this point the programmer will once again know
the exact position of the bar.