If the problem persists, perform a test run by
placing the module next to the GroNode and
check the module's communica on status
through the so ware. If communica on has
been successfully re-established, repeat this
opera on at different distances un l you detect
the maximum communica on distance.
If the module is not found at all, try to cycle the
GroNode through all the available communica-
on channels un l you find your modules,
allowing 3 minutes between channel changes.
To change the communica on channel, open
the GroLab So ware and connect to the GroNo-
de. Inside the Main Menu (Configura ons), go
to Se ngs (GroNode) → General Se ngs Tab.
Click the bu on in the lower right corner to
enable edi ng and change the communica on
channel to the desired channel. To apply the
changes, click the green bu on in the lower
right corner.
If a er following the previous steps your modu-
les s ll don't show up on the GroLab So ware,
please contact our technical support.