Attaching the Frame Mounting System to Your Bicycle
1. Remove the Mounting Plate [Figure 15a] from the Mounting Block [Figure 15b] by using the
provided Hex Wrench to remove the 4 screws and lock washers [Figure 15c].
2. Open the Frame Protector on the Mounting Block wide [Figure 16], and wrap it around the Seat
Tube of your bicycle, with the Mounting Block facing forward, and orient with the Mounting Rail
holes facing upwards [Figure 17].
NOTE: If there are cables along this part of the frame, the Frame Protector should go
underneath them so that there is nothing between it and the bicycle frame [Figure 17a].
3. Re-attach the Mounting Plate to the Mounting Block using the 4 screws (with lock washers)
and the provided Hex Wrench. Tighten the 4 screws crisscross and in stages [Figure 18]. Check
the security of the fasteners regularly. Ensure that the space between the Mounting Plate and
Mounting Block is even on all sides.
NOTE: If there are cables along this part of the frame, they should be positioned so that they run
along the central channel between the Frame Protector and Mounting Plate [Figure 18a].
Figure 15
Figure 17
Figure 16
Figure 18