Information about blood pressure
Blood pressure does not remain constant but is
continually changing. In the morning the blood
pressure is lower than in the evening and it is at
its lowest during sleep. It is also influenced by
eating, smoking, stress and bodily exertion.
High blood pressure is not normally noticeable
immediately by the occurrence of particular com-
plaints. If, though, it goes unnoticed or untreated,
it can lead to serious health problems. For this
reason, regular blood pressure measurements
as well as diagnosis and treatment by a doctor
are so important.
A reliable assessment of blood pressure is only
possible if you measure blood pressure regularly
under comparable conditions and record the read-
ings in your blood pressure log book.
Measuring your own blood pressure is not, howe-
ver, a therapy. Never alter of your own accord
any medication dosage that your doctor has pre-
Blood Pressure (BP) Values
The World Health Organization (WHO) has set
the following guideline for the assessing of blood
pressure values:
Too high
over 140 mmHg
130 to 139 mmHg
120 to 129 mmHg
up to 119 mmHg
depends not only on the blood pressure but also
on the risk profile of the individual patient. Please
contact your GP if one of the values (SYS / DIA)
constantly exceeds the limit (> 140 / > 90).
over 90 mmHg
85 to 89 mmHg
80 to 84 mmHg
up to 79 mmHg