Fig. 21
Open housing nut A with a strap wrench, take actuator out, see fig. 21. Use a
strap wrench.
Fig. 22
Move actuator in "closed" position, see fig. 22.
Fig. 23
Hold actuator tight and screw diaphragm counter clockwise out of the inner
housing, see fig. 23
Assemble new diaphragm in the same positon as the old diaphragm:
Position actuator upright for the first turns thus the membrane holder, may
take the set screw of the diaphragm.
screw new diaphragm clockwise into the inner housing.
Turn the diaphragm back by min. 90°/ max. 360°.
Realign the bulge of the diaphragm parallel to compression piece.
Diaphragm tabs must be positioned between the narrow guiding bars of the
inner housing.
Instruction Manual