Congratulations on your purchase of the INTELLINET NETWORK SOLUTIONS™
GuestGate MK II Hotspot Gateway. The GuestGate connects guests to your
network, allowing them to access only the Internet (Web, Email, Chat and
other applications). GuestGate protects your existing network from
unauthorized access by the connected guest computers and, if required, even
shields the guest computers among themselves. Furthermore GuestGate
features enhanced IP PnP (Plug and Play) technology: It automatically adjusts
to the guest computer's TCP/IP settings, eliminating time-consuming client IP
reconfigurations. GuestGate seamlessly integrates into your existing network
and in many applications a configuration of GuestGate is not necessary.
GuestGate provides the core functionality right out of the box.
Installation Example
Firewall / Gateway
LAN Switches
LAN / Host Network
GuestGate MK II
Wireless Guest
Wired Guest
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