The boiler must be installed in a fixed loca-
tion and only by specialized and qualified
firms in compliance with all instructions
contained in this manual.
Furthermore, the installation must be in
accordance with current standards and
2. 1
The "RS Mk.II" boilers with a rating of more
than 35 kW must be equipped with a tech-
nical room whose dimensions and require-
ments correspond to the current safety
The minimum height of the boiler room
must comply with what is indicated in fig. 3
in relation to the overall thermal capacity.
The minimum distance between the walls of
the room and the outer points on the boiler
(right and left sides and rear) must be no
less than 0.60 m.
It is possible to place a number of apparatus
next to each other, on condition that all the
safety and control devices can be easily rea-
ched. In addition, to circulate air in the
room, air vents must be made on the outsi-
de walls for which the surface area must
never be less than 3,000 cm
for gas with a density greater than 0.8.
The distance between the boiler and any
fuels stored in the area must be sufficient
to prevent the fuels from reaching a hazar-
dous temperature, and in no case less than
4 metres.
Connections with the heating system
should be easy to disconnect, made with
rotating pipe unions. It is always advisable
to assemble suitable gate valves on the
heating system delivery and return pipes.
In order to ensure proper distribution of
water in the cast iron body, the heating
system delivery and return pipes must be
connected to the same side of the boiler.
The boiler is supplied with connections on
the right side, though they may be moved
to the left side by moving the flanges and
their collars and the corresponding water
It is advisable to ensure that the tempera-
tur e dif f er ence be tween t he heating
system delivery and return pipes does not
exceed 20°C; installation of a mixer valve
with an anti-condensation pump is advisable
for this purpose.
The heating system's circulation pump(s)
must be turned on when the boiler is on.
An automatic precedence system is
recommended for this purpose.
The gas connection must be made with
seamless galvanised steel pipes (such as
Mannesmann pipes), with threaded, sealed
joints, excluding three-piece unions except
for the start and end connections.
Pipes must pass through walls in a sealed
sheath. In determining the size of the gas
pipe from the meter to the boiler, take into
account both rate of flow in volume (con-
sumption) in m3/c and the density of the
and 5,000
gas in question.
The section of pipes in the heating system
must be sufficient to ensure that the gas
supply fulfils maximum demand, limiting
pressure drop from the meter to any utility
to no more than:
– 1,0 mbar in the case of gases in the
second family (methane gas)
– 2,0 mbar in the case of gases in the
third family (G30-G31).
On the inside of the skirt is an adhesive
plate bearing technical data identifying the
boiler and the type of gas which it is set up
to burn.
2.2. 1
Filter on gas pipe
To prevent poor valve functioning or, in
some cases, exclusion of the safety devices
provided, assemble an adequate filter on
the gas pipe inlet.
The water used to supply the heating cir-
cuit should must be treated in accordance
with UNI-CTI 8065 standards.
It is absolutely essential that the water is to
be treated in the following cases:
– Very large heating systems (with large
water content)
– Frequent topping up of water in the
– When the system must be partially or
totally emptied.
H on the basis of total thermal capacity:
– no more than 116 kW: 2.00 m
– from 116 to 350 kW: 2.30 m
– from 350 to 580 kW: 2.60 m
It is a good idea to circulate water in the
pipes before connecting up the boiler in
order to eliminate any foreign matter which
could affect boiler functioning.
Fill the heating system slowly to permit air
bubbles to come out through the outlets on
the heating system.
The pressure at which the heating system
is filled with cold water and the pre-inflation
pressure of the expansion tank must corre-
spond to, and in no case be less than, the
height of the static column on the heating
system (for example, in the case of a static
column of 5 metres, tank pre-filling pressu-
re and filling pressure must at least corre-
spond to a minimum of 0.5 bar).
The flue for evacuation of the products of
combustion of natural draught boilers into
the atmosphere must meet the following
– sealed against products of combustion,
waterproof and heat insulated;
– made of materials which can resist nor-
mal mechanical stress, heat and the
action of products of combustion and
condensation produced by them over
– vertically oriented and free of choking
throughout its length;
– adequately insulated to prevent conden-
sation or cooling of flue gases, especially
if located outside the building or in
unheated premises;
– separated from combustible or highly
flammable materials by an air space or
appropriate insulation;
– provided with a chamber at least 500
mm high for collection of solid materials
and condensation under neat h t he
entrance to the first channel.
This chamber must be accessible throu-
gh an opening with a metal door which
does not let air in;
Fig. 3