Care and maintenance
Tru-Test load bars are rugged and robust products, designed to withstand the environment associated with
livestock handling.
Like any equipment, however, the life of load bars can be extended with appropriate care. Below is a set of simple
guidelines which will help to maintain the good condition of your weighing system.
During weighing check that the animals are fully on the platform.
Ensure that the underside of the platform or crate is kept free of dirt and stones.
Ensure that the gap between the load bar housing and rubber foot is kept free of dirt and stones.
Do not leave the indicator, load bars or plugs in water. Store the indicator in a cool, dry place.
Cables should be placed so that they will not be walked on or squashed in any way. Placing cables inside
heavy plastic hose, under timber, underground, or attached to posts will help prevent damage.
Cuts or splits in the cable can affect the performance of the scale and lead to failure, if even the slightest
amount of moisture gets in.
It is advisable to return damaged equipment to a Tru-Test Service Centre for repair.
If emergency repairs are to be carried out, it is very important that the cable be thoroughly dried. Each wire
should be individually insulated. Use epoxy or polyurethane potting compound and cover with waterproof
tape or glue type heatshrink. If repairs are not carried out adequately, repeated failure is likely.
Load bars are designed to be splash proof. However, under no circumstances should the equipment be
submerged in water.
For maximum life, load bars should not be exposed to moisture or animal manure for extended periods.
Although coated to prevent corrosion, prolonged exposure to moisture could cause damage.
Dust caps must be replaced on the load bar plugs whenever the cables are detached from the connectors on
the indicator. The dust caps help prevent damage from dust and moisture, which can have a detrimental
effect on accuracy. When the load bars are connected to the indicator, screw the two dust caps together.
Dust and moisture can be removed from the plugs and caps using methylated spirits, ethyl alcohol, or a
suitable electrical contact cleaner. Stronger spirits must not be used, as they may react with the plastic.
If any method is used to restrain the platform, crate, crush or squeeze chute during weighing, it is imperative
that there is no tension or binding in the system. Chains must remain slack, HD series load bar stops must not
bind. Otherwise errors in the weighing result can occur.
If not permanently installed, load bars should be stored in a clean state in a dry sheltered place.
For maximum life, ensure that animals are not crossing the platform or crate unless they are actually being