• It is important to clean
after every use.
• If no special apron cleaning machine is available, we recommend cleaning it with
warm water (about 50 °C) by adding commercial cleaning products. Apron and belt
must be brushed off vigorously.
• The reinforced metal parts are required for the intended wear of
tective aprons and should never be bent.
protective aprons are mostly made from stainless steel. Any mechani-
cal interference affects the quality of the protective apron and is therefore prohibited
(e.g. getting apron or individual rings). The protective apron must be checked after
such an incident to ensure its proper condition.
protective aprons must be treated with a disinfectant approved for the
food industry after every wash.
• Please also observe your company's own hygiene regulations.
(particularly by using very aggressive cleaning substances) can severely affect
the quality when carried out over a long period of time and is therefore strict-
ly prohibited. The maximum cleaning temperature is 100° C. Stubborn dirt and
inadequate cleaning techniques can reduce the quality of the protective aprons
or even make them unusable.
Cut- and puncture wound protection made of metal ring mesh should not be
hitting a hard surface during cleaning.
protective aprons are high-quality products. Improper cleaning,
protective aprons including all straps and belts