by an extra #. Pick up the receiver and dial:
❾ Quick-dials
The Opis 60s mobile and PushMeFon mobile support entering nine quick dial num-
bers. To program or change a quick dial number, pick up the receiver and dial:
To use a quick dial number, pick up the receiver and dial:
❿ Changing the call connec on delay
Normally, the Opis Technology desktop mobile automa cally connects a call 6 seconds
a er dialling the last digit. This delay can be changed in 2 second increments as fol-
lows. Pick up the receiver and dial:
⓫ Disabling/Enabling the SIM card PIN lock
You can disable (recommended) or enable your SIM card PIN lock. Pick up the receiver
and dial:
If the se ng is not accepted the phone rings twice and you can try again.
⓬ Disabling/Enabling Roaming lock
You can enable or disable (default) the roaming lock. When the roaming lock is ac ve,
the telephone can only connect to the home network. Pick up the receiver and dial:
<network short-dial>#
if the GSM network short dial is 2222: 2222#
⇒ you will now be connected to the dialled number.
*02#<quick dial number (1-9)>#<number to be dialled>*
if the number is 08154711 and is to be saved as quick dial 2:
⇒ if the number is accepted the phone rings once.
*<the quick dial number (1-9)>
if you would like to connect to quick dial 2: *2
⇒ you will be connected to the stored number.
*03#<(1-9)>* (1 x 2 seconds to 9 x 2 seconds delay).
if you would like to set the connec on delay to 4 seconds (2x2 sec-
onds = 4 seconds): *03#2*
⇒ if the new dial delay is accepted, the phone rings once.
*04#<0-1>#<PIN>* (0= lock disabled, 1= lock enabled)
if your PIN is 1234 and you would like disable the PIN lock:
⇒ if the PIN lock se ng is accepted the phone rings once.