16. Click Get Activation Key to generate the activation key (Figure 3). Record the activation
key, to be used in the following "Software Installation on CP" Step 18. The activation key is
valid for 5 days.
17. Click on the Return to Product Activation Portal link.
Software Installation on CP
18. On the CP, enter the activation key generated from the web activation portal or provided by
your local sales representative.
19. Click the Activate button (Figure 1). This process may take several minutes as the system
is being reconfigured to support the new application. Various status messages will be
displayed as the Installer installs the Vercise Neural Navigator 3.0 software on the CP
(Figure 4).
20. After a successful installation, a confirmation key will be displayed (Figure 5).
Note: The confirmation key displayed here is for illustration only.
21. Record the confirmation key displayed on the screen.
Figure 4. Software Installation on CP
Figure 5. Confirmation Key
Software Installation on CP
Vercise™ Neural Navigator 3.0 Installation Guide
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