Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
(Refer to Figure 2 for part illustrations)
Make sure working
area is well
ventilated when using solvents. Dispose
of all materials properly in accordance
with all local regulations.
1. Remove and set aside the material
control knob, spring and nee dle. (Pull
trigger to help remove the needle).
Remove needle
before removing
nozzle to prevent needle damage.
2. Unscrew and remove retaining ring,
air cap, air flow ring, and aircap
spring. Use supplied wrench to
remove nozzle. The aircap spring may
not require cleaning.
3. Place retaining ring, air cap, air flow
ring and the paint cup in a bucket or
other suitable container. Soak in an
appropriate solvent, or in soap and
water if latex was used. To clean the
gun, pour solvent through material
tube until the so lu tion clears (See
Figure 12).
undiluted solvent through
Figure 12 - Cleaning Spray Gun Parts
4. Use cleaning brush (saturated with
sol vent) to clean material tube and
nozzle (See Figure 13).
Figure 13 - Cleaning The Material Tube
HV2100, HV2105, HV3500
5. Repeat cleaning procedure from the
nozzle end of the gun.
6. When the gun and all parts are
thoroughly cleaned, use turbine hose
to dry the parts and blow fluid
passages dry. Thorough drying before
reassembly prevents coating
contamination during the next
operation of the unit and inhibits
oxidation of internal gun
7. Reinstall the components in reverse
order of disassembly. Always install
nozzle before installing the needle to
prevent needle damage.
must be facing forward when as sem bled.
The four raised knobs
on the air flow ring