The KINETEC Spectra is a Knee PASSIVE mobilization device enabling the extension and flexion movement from -10° to 120°.
• Indications
• Knee replacement surgery.
• Fractures (patellar, tibia plateau, femoral,...).
• Arthrolysis
• Hip surgery, including hip replacement, hip pinning, osteotomy,...).
• Ligament repairs.
• Arthroscopic surgery (menisectomies, patellectomies,...)
• Burns, joints sepsis,...
• Clinical Benefits
• Breaks the cycle of trauma, inflammation and the loss of range of motion.
• Prevents joint stiffness.
• Speeds the recovery of post-operative range of motion.
• Maintains the quality of the joint surface.
• Reduces pain and edema.
• Promotes joint cartilage healing.
• Reduces hospitalization time
• Reduces the need for pain medication.
• Provides immediate post-operative continuous passive motion.
• Digital ROM readout on the patient hand control for positive reinforcement.
• Maintains desired positions for stretching and muscular rest.
• Contraindications
Bone Cancer, Warped joint surfaces, Spastic paralyses, Unstable fractures, Uncontrolled infection.
The machine are not adapted for patients height more 2 m(6'7") or under 1,40m (4'7").