5.4.2 Reference point compensation (Continued)
Reference point compensation
Selection in the menu
Internal reference point compensation
External reference point compensation
Adhere to point
5.4.3 Decimal point
Decimal point
Selection in the menu
Resolution 0,1 °C/0,1 °F
Resolution 1 °C/1 °F
5.4.5 Correction value
Inputting a correction value allows acting upon the dis-
played result. These correction values may be
Setting the correction value
Selection in the menu
5.4.6 Maximum value acquisition
The maximum value may be saved and consulted during
operation (see 6.1)
Selection in the menu
Maximum value acquisition on
Maximum value acquisition off
Zumutbare Änderungen aufgrund technischer Verbesserungen vorbehalten.
Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH 68301 Mannheim Telefon (0621)776-11 11 Telefax (0621)776-27-11 11 Internet http://www.pepperl-fuchs.com External reference point temperature
Selection in the menu
Input of the known value of the external reference point
temperature in 0,1 °C/0,1 °F, according to the temperature
unit set
5.4.4 Temperature unit
Selection in the menu
positive or negative. The input is always made with one de-
cimal place.
Correction value in 0,1 °C/0,1 °F,
depending on the unit selected Resetting the maximum value
This allows defining whether the maximum value can be
reset during operation or not. However, the maximum value
can only be reset if the maximum value display is the active
function (see 6.1). If the maximum value is reset, the cur-
rent measured value becomes the new maximum value.
Selection in the menu
External reference point temperature
Display in °C
Display in °F
The maximum value can be reset
using the red key
The maximum value cannot be reset
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