5 - With the Flashlight / Magnifier, we analyze the paper
filter Place the filter on a flat surface and then place the 30x
microscope on top of the frutar; and turn on light. After
Common impurities
Yellow/Brown spots:
Wet staining:
Black soft particles:
Red/Brown particles,
fine or crusty:
3.2. Humidity-Temperature test
1 - Assembly the Humidity-temperature meter on the body
of the SAGOLA impurity meter.
If spots don't dry, they are oil
Place filter under lamp.
If wetness dissipates, then it's, water.
Rubber hoses may be deteriorating on the
If they cling to a magnet, this filters.
Shows rust formation in the inside of iron
- 11 -
testing, place filter in clear storage bag and record test
conditions for future comparisons.
Potential Solutions
Replace rings in compressor.
Replace compressor.
Clean fines.
Drain supply fines more often.
Reroute supply Unes. Make water
traes. Add water separators, filters, or
Replace oid hoses with new ones,
hoses and then retest with Test.
Replace old piping with PVC or
Add filters.
2 - Connect the impurity meter SAGOLA to air hose at the
location you want to test.
3 - Adjust the pressure until the regulator is at the same
typically used during spraying.
4 - After about one minute, press the ON button. (The
number displayed is the relative humidity in percent,
• Humidity-temperature meter only needs the sensor to be
in contact with the compressed air to be measured.
• Disconnect the air supply before unscrewing the Humidi-
ty-temperature meter.
• The RH of less than 10% is desirable for most painting