pressure Relief Valve
(securing filter
tank to the head)
(A Model 41P2 is
diagrammed for
illustration purposes.)
Cartridge Replacement
Use only Bullard 41AF cartridges as replacements. Bullard Model 41
Series Airline Filters are designed to use only Bullard filter cartridges.
Failure to use the correct filter cartridge could result in death or serious
The frequency of filter cartridge replacement depends on the conditions of
the particular air system in which the filter is installed. However, the filter
cartridge should be replaced immediately if:
a. The user smells or tastes contaminants in the air being supplied to
an air-supplied respirator, or;
b. There is a large pressure drop in the system, even though the
compressor and other components appear to be operating
Corrective Action
1. Shut off air supply and drain filter as described on the reverse side of
this instruction sheet. Disconnect the filter from the air source before
2. Replace the Cartridge:
a. Separate the filter head from the tank by removing the bolts and
lock washers from the underside.
b. After removing the cartridge, clean the inside of the tank to remove
any remaining contaminants.
c. Insert a new Bullard Model 41AF filter cartridge. Tighten the
fasteners across from each other and not in a circular sequence.
This will help prevent warping of the filter head.
3. Record the date the filter was replaced on the label attached to the
airline filter tank. You can develop a filter cartridge replacement schedule
by monitoring the frequency with which the cartridge needs to be
1/4" (6 mm) Outlets
3/8" Outlet (7 mm)
(not shown)
Outlet Air
Pressure Gauge
Drain Petcock
4. If conditions are not improved, do not use the filter until appropriate
corrective measures have been taken.
Replaceable Filter Cartridge 7-Stage Operation
Cartridges effectively trap and remove impurities with little pressure loss.
The supplied-air enters the filter at inlet connector (A), travels through
6 layers of filter material and exits at outlet connector (B) (refer to
Figure 3). Filter materials work in sequence to trap and hold water, oil,
particulates, odors, and organic vapors so that cleaner air is delivered to
workers or equipment.
1. Water is removed by condensation of air in outer cylinder.
2. Carded cotton removes particulates.
3. Activated alumina adsorbs oil and moisture.
4. Activated charcoal removes odors and moisture.
5. Felt material removes particulates.
6. Carded cotton removes particulates.
7. Respiratory felt at final stage acts as a final filter before air is transferred
to worker or air driven tools.
Filter cartridge must be changed periodically for maximum efficiency.
Frequency of cartridge changes depends on operating conditions.
Cartridge should be changed immediately if respirator wearer feels,
smells or tastes contaminants inside the respirator. Filter tank should
be drained at least daily to remove trapped water and oil (a petcock is
provided on the bottom of the tank for this purpose). Failure to follow
these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
Pressure Regulator
Adjustment Knob
Air Inlet (1" NpT-FeM) (25
(with mounting
Figure 2
Figure 3
3/8" Outlet
(7 mm)