Low pressure switch
The low-pressure switch (S*LP) is installed on the suction pipe
of the unit and measures the evaporator pressure (pressure at
the intlet of the compressor). When the pressure is too low, the
pressure switch is activated and the circuit stops.
When activated, it resets automatically, but the controller needs
to be reset manually.
Discharge thermal protector
The discharge thermal protector (Q*D) is activated when the
temperature of the refrigerant leaving the compressor becomes
too high. When the temperature returns to normal, the protector
resets automatically, but the controller needs to be reset
Freeze up sensor
The outlet water temperature sensor (R4T) measures the
temperature of the water at the water heat exchanger outlet. The
protection device shuts down the circuit when the temperature of
the chilled water becomes too low in order to prevent freezing of
the water during operation.
When the outlet water temperature returns to normal, the
protector resets automatically, but the controller needs to be
reset manually.
Fuse for control circuit (F1U)
The fuse for control circuit protects cables of control circuit and
controller components in case of short circuit.
Fuse for control circuit (F4)
The fuse for control circuit protects cables of control circuit in
case of short circuit.
Fuse for digital controller (F3U)
The fuse protects cables of digital controller and digital controller
in case of short circuit.
Flow switch (delivered with the unit, installed in the field)
The flow switch measures the flow in the water circuit. In case
the flow does not reach the minimum allowed water flow, the unit
will be shut down.
Ball valve (delivered with the unit, installed in the field)
A ball valve is installed in front of and behind the water filter to
allow filter cleaning without having to drain the water circuit.
Water filter (delivered with the unit, installed in the field)
The filter installed in front of the unit removes dirt from the water
to prevent damage to the unit or blockage of the evaporator or
condenser. The water filter should be cleaned on a regular base.
Air purge valve (delivered with the unit, installed in the field)
Remaining air in the chiller water system will be automatically
removed via the air purge valve.
Operation manual
Internal wiring - Parts table
Refer to the internal wiring diagram supplied with the unit. The
abbreviations used are listed below:
A1P.................... PCB: controller PCB
A2P.................... PCB: I/O PCB (input/output)
A3P.............** ... PCB: Address card for BMS
A5P,A6P......** ... PCB: Softstarter for circuit 1, circuit 2
A7P.............** ... PCB: Remote user interface
A71P.................. PCB: power supply card
A72P.................. PCB: remote user interface
E1H,E2H............ Crankcase heater circuit 1, circuit 2
F1,F2,F3 .....# .... Main fuses for the unit
F4 ...............*..... Fuse I/O PCB
F5 ...............## .. Surge proof fuse
F6 ...............# .... Fuse for pumpcontactor
F1U.................... Fuse I/O PCB
F3U.................... Fuse for controller PCB
H3P.............*..... Indication lamp alarm
H4P.............*..... Indication lamp operation compressor 1
H5P.............*..... Indication lamp operation compressor 2
H6P.............*..... Indication lamp general operation
K1F,K2F ......# .... Auxiliary contactor for fan motors
K1M,K2M........... Compressor contactor circuit 1, circuit 2
K4S,K5S ............ Overcurrent relay circuit 1, circuit 2
K6S.............*..... Overcurrent relay pump
K1P.............*..... Pumpcontactor
M1C,M2C .......... Compressor motor circuit 1, circuit 2
PE...................... Main earth terminal
Q1D,Q2D ........... Discharge thermal protector circuit 1, circuit 2
R3T.................... Evaporator inlet water temperature sensor
R4T.................... Evaporator outlet water temperature sensor
R5T.................... Condenser inlet temperature sensor
S1HP,S2HP ....... High pressure switch circuit 1, circuit 2
S4LP,S5LP......... Low pressure switch circuit 1, circuit 2
S7S.............*..... Switch for remote cooling/heating selection
dual setpoint
S9S.............*..... Switch for remote start/stop
S10L .................. Flow switch
S12M ................. Main isolator switch
TR1.................... Transfo 230 V
TR2.................... Transfo 230 V
Y3R.................... Reversingvalve
Y1S, Y2S ........... Liquid solenoid valve
X1~3,X1~82A .... Connectors
Not included with standard unit
Not possible as option
Not obligatory
(1) optional
(2) field supply
or dual setpoint
24 V for supply of controller PCB
24 V for supply of I/O PCB (A2P)
Possible as option
Condenserless water-cooled water chillers