4.1 Horizontal Checking/Calibration (X and Y Axis)
4.1.1 Horizontal Checking
checking, step by
Checking and Adjusting
1. Place the laser on a flat surface 15 or 30 m
from a wall. Position it so that the X2 is
facing the wall.
2. Switch the laser on. After it's level, stop the
rotation so that the beam is a point.
3. Mark the location of the beam.
4. Rotate the laser 180°. After 90 seconds,
mark the location of the beam near the first
5. Both measurements must be at the same place.
At 100 m, the marks should be no more than 15 mm apart. This is 7.5 mm
at 100 m levelling accuracy.
6. If the marks are close enough, X-axis is within calibration. The second axis
(Y) must then be checked (see Step 7).
If the marks are not close enough, the X-axis needs to be calibrated (see
"X-axis calibration").
7. To check the Y-axis, turn the laser 90° from Step 4 so that Y2 is facing the
wall. Repeat the same steps: mark the Y beam, rotate 180°, and mark
again. If the marks are more than 15 mm apart at 100 m, the Y-axis
should be calibrated.
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