4.4 Factory settings
The proximal connection is set in medium position to enable additional
adjustment in A-P-direction (total 6 mm).
Swing phase setting:
• The flexion valve screw is opened 2.5 turns / 15 clicks counter-clockwise
• The extension valve screw is opened 4 turns / 24 clicks counter-clockwise
(opened maximally)
• Screw for extension end-damping is opened 2,5 turns counter-clockwise
• The joint is delivered in active walking mode.
Please take special care, that this product is not exposed to
corrosive chemicals and substances such as salt- and freshwater,
acids, dust or sand! Failure to observe these instructions will
make any claims against Streifeneder ortho.production GmbH
null and void.
Please inform your prosthesis wearer accordingly!