Porcentaje de error:
En el caso de una simetría perfecta en la distribución de flujo de aire entre los dos
sensores, la exactitud de la FlowAccutron
de tránsito pueden ser medidos.
La precisión del instrumento es el 2% de escala completa o la lectura del instrumento
0,05 M / S; lo que sea mayor.
Ejemplo: Si la escala completa es 100 KCFM, el error es del 2% X 100 KCFM = 2 KCFM.
Constructor Número de Pieza
Accutron 5 – MAQS (Mine Air Quality Station) Platform
ACC5 (Accutron 5) part number flow chart and option description
BASE part number: ACC5-ABC-XXX-DEFGHI....................................
*Base model is equipped with 1x 4-20mA output and Modbus RS485 Slave*
Option 'A' – Input Power
1 = 12-24 VDC
2 = 110-240 VAC
3 = Power over Ethernet
Option 'B' - FlowTrax application
(type of airflow sensors)
1 = Drift/Tunnel /Raise
2 = Surface Fan
3 = Industrial ducting
Option 'C' - FlowTrax mount type
1 = Plastic drift mounts
2 = Steel drift mounts
3 = N/A (Surface Fan & Industrial ducting)
Option 'XXX' - FlowTrax sensor cable length
100 = Standard length
*Change XXX to custom length in feet*
Option 'D' - CommTrax module
(RTU to Modbus TCP converter with Web
Browser and advanced options)
depende de la precisión con los tiempos
Option 'E' - ClimaTrax module
(Probe fitted to control transmitter. Measures
Temperature, Static Pressure, Relative
Humidity with Wet Bulb Temp calculation.
0 = Don't Add
1 = ADD
Option 'F' - I/OTrax1 Module
(I/O: 4AI (Isolated), 4DI, 2DO (2 form C Relays))
0 = Don't Add
1 = ADD
Option 'G' - I/OTrax2 Module
(I/O: 4AO, 4DI, 4DO (Open Collector))
0 = Don't Add
1 = ADD
Option 'H' - SS Mounting Back Plate
(Pre mount and pre configure on stainless
steel backplate with canstrut rails. Used with
attached gas monitoring
0 = Don't Add
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