Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, software distributed
under the License is distributed on an "AS
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
or implied.
See the License for the specific language
governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Rated power source: 14.4 V DC (allowable
voltage range: 12.0 V to 14.4 V DC)
Grounding system: Negative type
Maximum current consumption: 10.0 A
Dimensions (W × H × D):
Chassis: 178 mm × 50 mm × 165 mm
Nose: 188 mm × 58 mm × 17 mm
Chassis: 178 mm × 50 mm × 165 mm
Nose: 170 mm × 46 mm × 17 mm
Weight: 1 kg
Maximum power output:
• 50 W × 4 ch/4 Ω (for no subwoofer)
• 50 W × 2 ch/4 Ω + 70 W × 1 ch/2 Ω
(for subwoofer)
Continuous power output:
22 W × 4 (50 Hz to 15 000 Hz, 5 %
THD, 4 Ω load, both channels driven)
Load impedance: 4 Ω (4 Ω to 8 Ω (2 Ω for 1
ch) allowable)
Preout maximum output level: 2.0 V
Equalizer (13-Band Graphic Equalizer):
Frequency: 50 Hz/80 Hz/125 Hz/200
Hz/315 Hz/500 Hz/800 Hz/1.25 kHz/2
kHz/3.15 kHz/5 kHz/8 kHz/12.5 kHz
Gain: ±12 dB (2 dB step)
High pass filter:
Frequency: 25 Hz/31.5 Hz/40 Hz/50
Hz/63 Hz/80 Hz/100 Hz/125 Hz/160
Hz/200 Hz/250 Hz
Slope: –6 dB/oct, –12 dB/oct, –18 dB/
oct, –24 dB/oct, OFF
Subwoofer/Low pass filter:
Frequency: 25 Hz/31.5 Hz/40 Hz/50
Hz/63 Hz/80 Hz/100 Hz/125 Hz/160
Hz/200 Hz/250 Hz
Slope: –6 dB/oct, –12 dB/oct, –18 dB/
oct, –24 dB/oct, –30 dB/oct, –36 dB/
oct, OFF
Phase: Normal/Reverse
Speaker level:
+10 dB to –24 dB (1 dB step)
Time alignment:
0 cm to 350 cm (2.5 cm/Step)
CD player
System: Compact disc audio system
Usable discs: Compact disc
Signal-to-noise ratio: 94 dB (1 kHz) (IEC-A
Number of channels: 2 (stereo)
MP3 decoding format: MPEG-1 & 2 Audio
Layer 3
WMA decoding format: Ver. 7, 8, 9, 9.1, 9.2
(2 ch audio)
AAC decoding format: MPEG-4 AAC (iTunes
encoded only) (Ver. 10.6 and earlier)
WAV signal format: Linear PCM (Non-
USB standard specification: USB 2.0 full
Maximum current supply: 1.5 A
USB Protocol:
MSC (Mass Storage Class)
MTP (Media Transfer Protocol)
AOA (Android Open Accessory) 2.0
File system: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32
MP3 decoding format: MPEG-1 & 2 Audio
Layer 3
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