4. Turn the dispersion correction wheel so that the crosshair
adjustment access hole is at the six o' clock position.
5. Rotate the adjustment control counterclockwise to position
the shadow line at the bottom of the field of view.
6. Rotate the eyepiece to bring the crosshair into focus.
7. Move the shadow line to the crosshair reticle with the coarse
adjustment control.
8. Rotate the dispersion correction wheel to eliminate any red or
green color at the edge of the shadow line.
9. Turn the adjustment control to center the shadow line to the
crosshair. The shadow line must be perfectly centered to obtain
an accurate reading (Figure 3a).
10.Depress the READ button. The value of the test sample will
be digitally indicated in the display window. Depressing the TEMP
button will activate a temperature sensing device located in the
measuring prism. The display will digitally indicate the actual
temperature of the measuring prism and sample.
NOTE: If the REICHERT ABBE MARK II Refractometer is to be
used in an environment where foreign materials may contaminate
the display buttons, use the splash guard accessory (Catalog
No. 13104590). It will prevent instrument damage and possible
instrument failure.
NOTE: Sections 7.0 through 7.4 are applicable only for the REICHERT
ABBE MARK II Plus Refractometer - Model 13104940/13104950.
The REICHERT ABBE MARK II Refractometer provides computer
interface, custom programming and printer interface capabilities.
The instrument becomes the REICHERT ABBE MARK II Plus
Refractometer (Model 13104940/13104950) with the addition of the RS232
port. The REICHERT ABBE MARK II Plus can be ordered as:
• an original purchase
• a factory upgrade or
• a retrofit to an existing REICHERT ABBE MARK I I Refractometer.
7.1 Computer Interface
Turn on the REICHERT ABBE MARK II Plus Refractometer with
the switch located on the instrument' s front panel. When the
refractometer is first turned on, the software version (e.g., 1.6)
will appear in the read display for a few seconds. The refractometer
is ready to use when this message disappears.
By interfacing the REICHERT ABBE MARK II Plus to a computer,
sample reading results can be transferred to IBM-PC compatible
data-handling software programs with communications capabilities
(e.g., Microsoft Works
, Framework II
Software can be used to store, graph, analyze and print data.
Leica also offers REICHERT ABBE MARK II Plus Refractometer
interface software (MARKPLUS) specifically designed for use
with the instrument.
The MARKPLUS software allows the instrument user to repro-
gram the % Solids scales from the default " Brix" (% Solids) scale
to a user defined scale.
7.2 Setting the baud rate
The baud rate of the REICHERT ABBE MARK I I Plus is set to
9600. To change the baud rate remove the cap on the left side of
the instrument (Figure 3b). Turn the instrument on and using the
eraser end of a pencil press the post switch which is centered in
the hole. The display will show the current baud rate. To change
the rate press the read button on the front of the instrument panel
until the appropriate baud rate is displayed. Choose the baud rate
from the following options: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600. Once
the appropriate baud rate is displayed press the switch again.
Turn off the instrument and replace the cap. The new baud rate
will be permanently retained in the instrument memory.
7.3 Printer Interface
The REICHERT ABBE MARK II Plus Refractometer can be
interfaced to a serial port printer for printed data results using the
9-pin RS232 output. A parallel port printer may be used with a
serial to parallel converter.
7.4 Custom Programming
REICHERT ABBE MARK II Plus Refractometer interface software
(MARKPLUS) may be configured for customized calibration
curves and temperature compensation. (The standard REICHERT
ABBE MARK II Refractometer corrects to 20°C only.) However,
MARKPLUS must be configured for each specific application or
custom programming. Reichert' s MARKPLUS is designed to
accept a Table of Refractive Index, Temperature and Concentration
values and then generate custom scale data for instrument
programming. Data is entered from a text file. Contact your
Reichert representative for more information.
and ProComm