The skin feels
more sensitive
than usual during
I experience an
unacceptable pain
sensation when I
use the appliance.
The treated areas
become red after
the treatment.
The skin reaction
after the treatment
lasts longer than
The hair-reduction
results are not
Possible cause
You stored the
Clean the appliance and the attachments (see chapter
appliance in a
'Cleaning and maintenance').
dusty environment.
The light intensity
Check if you have selected the right light intensity. If necessary,
you use is too high.
select a lower light intensity.
You did not shave
Shave the areas to be treated before you use the appliance.
the areas to be
If shaving causes skin irritation, trim hairs as short as possible
and use the Philips Lumea Essential at a comfortable setting.
The light exit
If the light exit window is broken, do not use the appliance
window is broken.
anymore, to avoid the risk of skin reactions. Contact the
Consumer Care Centre in your country, your Philips dealer
or a Philips service centre.
You did not shave
Shave the areas to be treated before you use the appliance.
the areas to
If shaving causes skin irritation, trim hairs as short as possible
be treated
and use the Philips Lumea Essential at a comfortable setting.
You treated an
You must not use the appliance on your inner labia, vagina,
area for which the
anus, nipples and areolas. Men must not use it on the face
appliance is not
and on their scrotum. Men's facial hair differs from women's
facial hair and the precision attachment is only designed for
treatment of women's facial hair.
You have used a
Reduce the light intensity to a level that is comfortable for
light intensity that
you. See chapter 'Preparing for use', section 'Light intensity'.
is too high for you.
The light exit
If the light exit window of the body attachment or the filter
window of the
glass of the precision attachment is broken, do not use the
body attachment
appliance with the attachments anymore. Go to your dealer
or the filter glass
or a Philips service centre or contact the Consumer Care
of the precision
Centre to have the attachment replaced.
attachment is
Slight redness
No action required.
is harmless and
normal and
disappears quickly.
You have used a
Select a lower light intensity the next time. See chapter
light intensity that
'Preparing for use', section 'Light intensity. If the skin reaction
is too high for you.
lasts longer than 3 days, contact your doctor.
You have used a
Perform a skin test to determine if you can use a higher light
light intensity that
intensity (see chapter 'Using the appliance'' , section 'First use
is too low for you.
and skin test'.