Time switching delay
To prevent overheating of the components within the heater caused by
frequent 'On' and 'Off ' switching (cycling) the digital thermostat has been
pre-programmed with a time delay function. This prevents rapid fl uctua-
tions in water temperature from switching the heater 'On' and 'Off ' more
than once in a two minute period. The time delay mode is indicated by the
fl ashing of the Red indicator (5) on the digital thermostat (see fi g.7)
Diff erential: When the water has reached the required temperature
the heater will switch 'Off ' and will not switch back 'On' until the water
temperature has dropped by 0.6º C. This value is known as the diff erential
and is also in place to prevent overheating to the switch components
caused by cycling.
High temperature alarm
Your heater has a high temperature fail-safe relay linked to a visual high
tem-perature alarm display. This alarm is shown as 'HI' fl ashing within
the temperature display window. This alarm is activated if the water
temperature is 2º C (or more) above the required temperature. As soon as
the water temperature falls back to the required temperature the alarm
will stop fl ashing and the heater will automatically reset and operate as
Please note: If you decrease the required temperature by 2º C (or
more) below the current water temperature this will also result in the
high temperature alarm being displayed.
Function Testing
Q: How long will it take to heat my pool?
A: Assuming no heat losses, and a heater sized in the ratio 1.5-kW per
1,000 UK gallons of water (4,545-litres): it will take 2 days of continuous
running to raise the temperature of a pool from tap temperature
to swimming temperature. Heat loss will slow the heating process,
particularly during periods of cold weather, hence the higher
the water temperature is to be maintained above average ambient air
temperature, the slower the heating process will become.