Fig. 06
Fig. 07
Fig. 08
Fig. 09
Fig. 10
Mounting the mandibular cast
a) Place the Incisal Guide Pin in the Upper Frame of the
articulator with its rounded tip pointing downward so
that the upper and lower frames are parallel, i.e. on the
zero marking of the Incisal Guide Pin (fig. 06).
b) Now turn the articulator upside down on the laboratory
bench and affirm the lower cast, with retentions and
previously hydrated, upon the interocclusal register
that should be placed in the mounted upper cast (fig.
07). In totally edentureless patients, this was obtained
by joining the wax rollers together.
c) We recommend fixing the casts with rubber bands or
staples (fixed with "godiva" or wax) so that they remain
in position until the plaster hardens. Place a small
amount of plaster on the lower part of the mandibular
cast and a small amount on the mounting plate of the
lower frame of the articulator to fill in the gap between
them (fig. 08).
d) Make sure the condylar elements are duly positioned
and close the lower frame until the Incisal guide pin
touches the Incisal table. Afterwards, fasten the
articulator frames using rubber bands to prevent
possible distortion occurred by the plaster expansion
(fig. 09).
Note: The sides of the mounting plates, which are in
contact with the articulator frames, should be devoid of
e) After the plaster hardens, turn the articulator back to its
upright position (lower frame resting on the laboratory
bench) and complete the work, filling the cast fixation
towers with plaster for the finishing touches (fig. 10).