Como Efectuar La Medición; Measuring Procedure - ADC 6021 Manual Del Usuario

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Si no es possible colocarse el brazalete en el brazo izquierdo, tambien se
puede colocar en el derecho. Sin embargo, todas las mediciones deben ser
tomadas en el mismo brazo. Para poder comparar las lecturas obtenidas se
re q u i re que siempre se cumplan las mismas condiciones. (Relájese por
varios minutos antes de la medición).
5.4 Como efectuar la medición
Luego de que el brazalete esté propiamente sujetado se
puede comenzar la medición:
a) P resione el botón ON/OFF/STA RT. La bomba comenzará a
inflar el brazalete. En la pantalla se podrá observ a r
continuamente el aumento de la pressión .
b) Al llegar a la presión deseada la bomba para
automaticamente y la presión comienza a descender
paulatinamente. La presión del brazalete será exhibida
durante la medición.
c) Cuando el dispositivo ha detectado el pulso, el símbolo del
Corazón se observará en la pantalla en forma interm i t e n t e .
d) Cuando la medición ha sido concluida, se oirá un pro l o n g a d o
tono. Se podrá estonces apreciar la medición sistólica, diastólica
como así también el pulso.
e) La aparición de este símbolo
i rregular ha sido detectado. Este indicador es solo una
a d v e rtencia. Es importante que usted se mantenga re l a j a d o ,
inmovil y sin hablar durante el procedimiento. Nota:
Recomendamos contactar a su médico si usted observ a
f recuentemente este símbolo en su pantalla.
f ) Los resultados de la medición serán observados hasta que
usted apague el dispositivo. Si ningún botón es oprimido
por mas de 1 minuto, este dispositivo se apagará
a u t o m á t i c a m e n t e .
Cuff on
right arm
significa que un latido
I m p o rtant! The small white circle with line through it (Art e ry Mark) on
the cuff must lie exactly over the art e ry which runs down the inner side of
the arm .
d ) Tighten the cuff by pulling the end and close the cuff by affixing
the velcro .
e ) T h e re should be little free space between the arm and the cuff.
You should be able to fit 2 fingers between your arm and the cuff.
Clothing must not restrict the arm. Any piece of clothing which does,
must be removed. Cuffs that don't fit properly result in false measurement
values. Measure your arm circ u m f e rence if you are not sure of proper fit.
Other size cuffs are available (Page 9).
f ) Lay your arm on a table (palm upward) so the cuff is at the same height
as your heart. Make sure the tube is not kinked.
g ) Remain seated quietly for at least two minutes before you begin the measure m e n t .
C o m m e n t : If it is not possible to fit the cuff to your left a rm, it can also be placed on your
right arm. However, all measure m e n t s should be made using the same arm. Comparable
blood pre s s u re measurements always re q u i re the same conditions (Relax for several
minutes before taking a measure m e n t ) .
5.4. Measuring pro c e d u re
After the cuff has been appropriately positioned on the arm and connected
to the blood pre s s u re monitor, the measurement can begin:
a ) P ress the ON/OFF/STA RT button. The pump begins to inflate the cuff.
In the display, the increasing cuff pre s s u re is continually displayed.
b ) After automatically reaching an individual pre s s u re, the pump stops and the
p re s s u re slowly falls. The cuff pre s s u re is displayed during the measure m e n t .
c ) When the device has detected your pulse, the heart symbol in the
display begins to blink and an audible pulse tone sounds.
d ) When the measurement has been concluded, a long beep tone sounds.
The measured systolic and diastolic blood pre s s u re values, as well as
the pulse are now displayed.
e ) The appearance of this symbol
h e a rtbeat was detected. This indicator is only a caution. It is import a n t
that you be relaxed, remain still and do not talk during measurements.
N O T E : We recommend contacting your physician if you see this
indicator fre q u e n t l y.
f ) The measurement results are displayed until you switch the
device off. If no button is pressed for 1 minute, the device
switches off automatically.
signifies that an i rre g u l a r


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