d. If filter retainers are used, do not remove them after the fit check is
completed. Removing the filter retainers may shift the facepiece and break
the facepiece-to-face seal.
To receive the maximum protection available from the respirator, you must follow your
employer's instructions on the use and maintenance of the respirator. Read and
understand the following warning prior to using the respirator.
Never remove the respirator for any reason while in the work area. Leave the
work area immediately if the facepiece-to-face seal is disturbed for any reason,
such as slippage due to sweating, excessive head movement, sneezing,
coughing or if the facepiece becomes dislodged as a result of being knocked.
Do not move the respirator to blow your nose or scratch covered areas of face.
You must restore the facepiece-to-face seal if it is disturbed for any reason
before re-entering the work area.
The cartridge service life depends on the user's breathing rate, the characteristics of the
contaminant, and the environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity.
Saturated cartridges will leak trace amounts of contaminants to the wearer, which may
be detected by odor, taste, and/or irritation. Replace the respirator in accordance with
an OSHA-compliant change-out schedule that is based on objective information or data
that ensures that respirator/cartridges are changed before the end of their service life.
Replace respirator earlier if you detect the contaminate by smell, taste, or irritation, or if
either cartridge shows any sign of damage.
1. Replacing the respirator as follows:
a. Return to fresh air.
b. Remove respirator, if respirator is damaged, and dispose of used respirator in
accordance with Federal, State, and local guidelines.
c. Perform a facepiece fit check on the new respirator as described in section C.
Service Bulletin