7. Interactions
Avoid materials that may hinder polymerization because of their
content. This applies to all phenolic compounds, e.g. ZOE (zinc oxide
eugenol) or materials containing thymol.
8. Application
8.1 Etching of teeth
Clean the teeth with oil-free pumice powder or fluoride-free paste. Rinse
with water and dry. To etch the teeth, use long cotton wool rolls in the
lower area from canine to canine to isolate at least the vestibular area.
Apply phosphoric acid etching gel, e.g. CONTEC etching gel
(REF 163-115-00), on the surfaces of the teeth and leave for 30 seconds.
If the dental enamel has been fluoridated, the etching gel should be left
on a further 10 seconds. Rinse thoroughly with water, ensure the etching
gel is removed completely and isolate again with cotton wool rolls. Dry
8.2 Priming of teeth
Place a small amount of CONTEC lc primer on a mixing pad. Apply a thin,
even layer of primer on each tooth to be bonded. Light cure for approx.
20 seconds.