Web and Data
Enable JavaScript: When checkmarked, the Browser allows JavaScript to run.
Remove the checkmark to prevent JavaScript from running.
Enable plug-ins: When checkmarked, plug-ins are enabled on Web pages.
Remove the checkmark to disable plug-ins from Web pages.
Open in background: When checkmarked, links opened in a new window will
open in the background. If the checkmark is removed, new windows will open in
place of the current window.
Set home page: Allows you to enter a URL to set as your Home page (See
Setting the Browser Home Page on page 1 84).
Invert color: Display pages in inverted color.
4. Tap
to return to the Browser.
Adjusting Browser Privacy Settings
1. Tap
to open the Browser menu.
2. Tap More > Settings.
3. Navigate to the Privacy settings section and select from one of the following
privacy settings:
Clear cache: Clears all currently cached content and databases. Tap OK to
complete the process.