Warranty - Vitamix Professional 500 Serie Manual Del Usuario

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7-Year Full Machine Warranty
1. ProducT regisTraTion.
Vita-Mix® Corporation ("Vitamix") strongly encourages you to register your purchase by completing
and returning the product registration card that came with this Machine. You can register online at
www.vitamix.com/warranty; or by calling our Customer Service Department at 1-800-848-2649 or
1-440-235-4840. Failure to register your product purchase will not diminish your warranty rights. However,
registering your purchase will allow Vitamix to better serve you with any of your customer service needs.
Who can seek WarranTy coVerage.
This Warranty is extended by Vitamix to the owner of this Machine for personal household use only. This
Warranty does not apply to products used for commercial, rental or re-sale purposes. Should ownership
of the machine change during the 7-year period, please update the Machine's owner information at
WhaT is coVered.
Vitamix warrants to the owner that if this Machine (a "Machine" consists of a motor blender base and any
containers purchased together) fails within 7 years from the date of purchase due to a defect in material or
workmanship or as a result of normal wear and tear from ordinary household use, Vitamix will, within 30 days
of receipt of the returned product, repair the failed Machine or component part of the Machine free of charge.
If, in Vitamix's sole discretion, the failed Machine or component part of the Machine cannot be repaired,
Vitamix will elect to either (A) replace the Machine free of charge or (B) refund the full purchase price to the
owner, unless Vitamix receives prior written notice of the owner's preference.
WhaT is noT coVered.
This Warranty does not apply to Machines that have been used commercially or in non-household
applications. This Warranty does not cover cosmetic changes that do not affect performance, such as
discoloration or the effects of the use of abrasives or cleaners or food build up. This Warranty is only valid if
the Machine is used and maintained in accordance with the instructions, warnings and safeguards contained
in the owner's manual.
Vitamix will not be responsible for the cost of any unauthorized warranty repairs.
PUrCHaSEr anD tHE SoLE LiaBiLitY oF VitaMiX UnDEr tHiS warrantY. no EMPLoYEE or
rEPrESEntatiVE oF VitaMiX iS aUtHoriZED to MaKE anY aDDitionaL warrantY or anY
MoDiFiCation to tHiS warrantY wHiCH MaY BE BinDing UPon VitaMiX. aCCorDingLY,
PUrCHaSEr SHoULD not rELY UPon anY aDDitionaL StatEMEntS MaDE BY anY EMPLoYEE or
rEPrESEntatiVE oF VitaMiX. in no EVEnt, wHEtHEr BaSED on ContraCt, inDEMnitY, warrantY,
tort (inCLUDing nEgLigEnCE), StriCt LiaBiLitY or otHErwiSE, SHaLL VitaMiX BE LiaBLE For anY
SPECiaL, inDirECt, inCiDEntaL or ConSEQUEntiaL DaMagES, inCLUDing, witHoUt LiMitation,
LoSS oF ProFit or rEVEnUE.
Some states do not allow limits on warranties. In such states, the above limitations may not apply to you.
Outside the U.S.A. and Canada, other warranties may apply.
WA R R A n t y



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