The actuator activates the connected electric charge for the time determined by the Time
parameter activation and deactivates when it elapses. This is the setting for the staircase
light, for example. If the dimmer actuator receives another Timed ON command during
the activation time, the time count restarts from the beginning.
The relay is deactivated and the counter is reset when it receives an OFF command or a
scene is activated which includes the OFF command by the actuator.
The Prewarning Time parameter can enable the switch off warning signal: in this case
the relay opens briefly (the light goes off for a second) when the time set on the parameter
remains before the timer is due to switch off. If necessary it will be possible to send
another Timed ON command before the light switches off.
The green LED comes on when the NO relay contact is closed.
The actuator switches the relay to the ON or OFF status transmitted by the device which
sends the priority control.
Until it receives a command cancelling the forcing, the actuator ignores all other
commands received including those from the front buttons.
If no other commands are received, at the end of forcing the actuator returns to the
condition before its actuation. Otherwise the status remains that of the last command
received during override.
The green LED comes on when the NO relay contact is closed.
The actuator is able to memorize and perform up to 8 scenes; each one has an ON or OFF
relay status. It is not possible to associate a timed activation to a scene.
Before memorizing a scene it is necessary to set the desired output status (ON/OFF) for
the actuator, for instance using the local button.
The green LED comes on when the NO relay contact is closed.