Searching for a Word using Word Finder
When you don't know where a word is located in a vocabulary, use this procedure to search for the
word and practice the sequence of buttons that lead to it.
1. From the vocabulary, select the Keyboard.
2. Select Find Word. Word Finder opens.
3. Enter the word you want to find.
4. Select Find.
Note: If the word is not stored, the Find button will remain grayed out and you will not be able to
select it.
5. The window will display the sequence of buttons to tap to activate the word.
6. Tap the buttons to practice the motor pattern.
When you tap the first button in the sequence, your home page opens with the button highlighted.
When you select the button, the next button in the sequence is highlighted. When you select that
button, the next button is highlighted and so forth until you reach the end of the sequence.
Adding Acapela Vocal Smileys
Acapela-Group has created the capability of using Voice Sounds and Exclamations.
Adding a Sound
Sounds are produced by the speaker's voice for laughing, breathing, sneezing, coughing, or whatever
sounds our voices can produce to mimic sounds we make in our daily lives. Sounds are always between
two pound signs; for example: #LAUGH02# in capital letters and sometimes followed by numbers if
there are more than one of the same kind. The children's voices have more sounds than adult voices.
Adding an Exclamation
Exclamations include a variety of letters and symbols. Type exactly what you see.
Finding a Vocal Smiley
To find the list of Acapela Vocal Smiley commands:
1. Go to
2. Click the link to the appropriate language.
Important! The language you select must match the language of the voice you are using.
3. Select the specific Vocal Smiley you want.
TouchChat Express User's Guide