I/MAC 8503F
Recommended Accessories
WARNING: All replacement parts and consumables must be sourced
from Velopex to ensure correct and safe functioning of the AquaCare.
Breathing air filter unit
6mm Input Air Hose
ProSylc cleaning/polishing/desensitising bio-active powder, Pack of 4
ProClean cleaning/polishing sodium bicarbonate, Pack of 4
ProCut Fine cutting powder 29 micron aluminium oxide, Pack of 4
ProCut+ Coarse cutting powder 53 micron aluminium oxide, Pack of 4
Glass Slides (for cutting practice), Pack of 5
Feedlines and Tips, Pack of 50
Handpiece Handles, Pack of 5
Handpiece Tube Removal Tool
Handpiece - 0.4mm Green
Handpiece – 0.6mm Silver
Handpiece – 0.8mm Gold
500 ml Cutting Fluid Bottle (AquaSol)
500 ml Bottle (Empty)
Nozzle Cleaning Wire
Nozzle Wash Syringe, Pack of 2
Spare Parts
Storage Tank and Lid
Dosing Chamber Lid
Powder Storage Pot
Twin Tube (with check valve)
Check Valve, Pack of 2
Foot Pedal Assembly
Dosing Chamber Starfish Seal
Complimentary Accessories
Velopex Patient Treatment Centre
Velopex Dental Air Abrasion Cabinet
*Note:These items are classified as medical devises
MEDIVANCE INSTRUMENTS LTD. • Barretts Green Road • Harlesden • London • NW10 7AP
Dental Air Abrasion & Polishing Unit
AquaCare Quick Start Guide
Part No
I/FIT 8200F
I/ASS 8016F
I/PDR 0034F
I/PDR 8014F
I/PDR 8025F*
I/PDR 8024F*
I/MIC 0010F
I/ASS 8007F
I/ASS 8024F
I/ASS 8625F
I/ASS 8189F
I/ASS 8191F
I/ASS 8192F
I/ASS 8200F
I/ASS 8201F
I/ASS 8073F
I/ASS 8025F
I/ASS 8193F
I/ASS 8003F
I/ASS 8193F
I/ASS 8020F
I/ASS 8004F
I/ASS 8153F
I/FIT 0012F
I/ASS 0045F
I/MAC 6200F
Iss. 10 I/LIT0100P
Issued 04/2017