Connection to Comark Kitchen
Checks App
To connect the Bluetooth Pocketherm
to Comark Kitchen Checks App, please
follow the instructions provided online.
When successfully connected to the
App, the blue ACTIVITY LED on the
front of the Bluetooth Pocketherm
will fl ash at a rate of once per second
to indicate that communication is in
progress. Disconnection is as simple as
folding away the probe to switch off the
Pocketherm, or exiting the App.
Taking Measurements
Having successfully connected the
Bluetooth Pocketherm to Comark Kitchen
Checks, check that the blue ACTIVITY
indicator is fl ashing.
Insert the tip of the probe approximately
20mm (3/4") into the food item to be
checked. Allow a few seconds for the
probe to reach stable temperature. To
record the reading touch the record
button to the right of the display.
The Bluetooth Pocketherm will bleep
once to confi rm the touch press and the
blue ACTIVITY indicator will light. The
app will guide you through storing the
temperature record.
Note: If your Bluetooth Pocketherm is
placed face down onto a metal surface
unwanted temperature readings may be