English version
Quick start notice
1. Before you start
Make sure the following accessories are included in the box:
1 power supply cable
1 Ethernet straight cable (A)
1 RS232 crossover serial cable (F)
1 USB/serial cable and its mini-CD (letter E)
2 male sub-25 connectors and 1 female sub-25 connector for I/O boards (Remote Control
1 folder including 1 quick start notice
This unit does not deal with network related security issues. It is up to the user to set it in a secured
environment such as a private network, VPN, behind a firewall...WorldCast Systems cannot be held
responsible for the consequences of a security breach on the operating network.
2. Cables connection for the AUDEMAT FM Monitor Silver
Primary interface
Optional webcam
for console, ScriptEasy
Driver or optional modem
With the current version only one serial port is enabled.
* Input / output modules of the AUDEMAT FM Monitor Silver + Remote Control version:
Slot A: commands (relay outputs)
Slot B: status (digital inputs)
Slot C: metering (analog inputs)
Secondary interface
RJ45 Ethernet cable: for the network or for a
direct connection to the PC
RS 232 crossover cable
(if necessary)
USB-serial cable
Slots for I/O modules *
Power supply cable