Device description
1 Battery charge indicator (shows the rechargeable battery status)
2 Rechargeable battery test button (activates the battery charge
3 USB OUTPUT socket (connection for 5 V DC devices)
4 INPUT DC 5 V socket (connection for the mains power unit/
car adapter)
5 RESET button (Return the Power Pack to the factory default settings)
6 Plug connection attachment for Nokia, large
7 Plug connection attachment for Nokia, small
8 Plug connection attachment for Playstation Portable
9 Plug connection attachment for Motorola
0 Plug connection attachment USB-USB
q Plug connection attachment for Nintendo DS
w Plug connection attachment for Samsung
e Plug connection attachment for Sony Ericsson
r Plug connection attachment Mini USB
t Plug connection attachment Mini USB 8 Pin
z Plug connection attachment Micro USB
u Retractable USB cable
i Car adapter
o Mains power plug USA
p Mains power plug GB
a Mains power plug Europe
s Mains power plug unit
KH 997