Motor parts
jamming due
to dirt .
Speed too
slow, air is
escaping from
the outlet .
Pressure sup
ply too low .
Tool will not
Motor is
move; all com
jammed due
pressed air es
to material
caping through
buildup .
the outlet .
The packaging consists of environmen
tally friendly material . It can be dis
posed of in local recycling containers .
Do not dispose of the appliance in the normal
domestic waste!
Your local community or municipal authorities can
provide information on how to dispose of the worn
out appliance .
Dispose of the packaging in an environ
mentally friendly manner . Note the
labelling on the packaging and sepa
rate the packaging material compo
nents for disposal if necessary . The packaging
material is labelled with abbreviations (a) and
numbers (b) with the following meanings:
1–7: plastics, 20–22: paper and cardboard,
80–98: composites .
Dispose of lubricants and cleaning agents in an
Check filter of
environmentally friendly manner . Observe the
legal regulations .
the pressure sup
ply for contami
nation, clean and
lubricate the de
vice .
Check the pres
sure supply filter
for contamina
tion .
If necessary, re
peat the steps
Kompernass Handels GmbH
outlined above .
Check filter of
the pressure sup
Dear Customer,
ply for contami
This appliance has a 3year warranty valid from
nation, clean and
the date of purchase . If this product has any faults,
lubricate the de
you, the buyer, have certain statutory rights . Your
vice .
statutory rights are not restricted in any way by the
warranty described below .
Warranty conditions
The warranty period starts on the date of purchase .
Please keep your receipt in a safe place . This will
be required as proof of purchase .
If any material or manufacturing fault occurs within
three years of the date of purchase of the product,
we will either repair or replace the product for you
or refund the purchase price (at our discretion) .
This warranty service requires that you present the
defective appliance and the proof of purchase (re
ceipt) within the threeyear warranty period, along
with a brief written description of the fault and of
when it occurred .
If the defect is covered by the warranty, your prod
uct will either be repaired or replaced by us . The
repair or replacement of a product does not signify
the beginning of a new warranty period .
Your local community or municipal
authorities can provide information on
how to dispose of the wornout product .
Dispose of lubricant residues at a disposal
point . Do not allow lubricants to enter drains or
watercourses . Do not allow them to get into the
subsoil/soil . Make sure you use a suitable mat/
surface . Dispose of lubricants in accordance
with official regulations .
Dispose of contaminated maintenance material
and consumables at a collection point provided
for this purpose .
PDSS 310 B5