sectioN 2
2.1 general
The patented PT-1XL and PT-1XLPC are manual torches with a 75
cutting packages using clean, dry air as the plasma gas. The service lines are 1 1/ or 5 feet (.8 or 7.6 meters)
long and the torch is rated to operate up to 50 amperes at 100% duty cycle for cutting most metals.
2.2 scope
This manual is intended to provide the operator with all the information required to assemble, operate, and
repair the PT-1XL and PT-1XLPC Plasma Arc Cutting Torches. For additional safety precautions, process in-
structions, and system troubleshooting; refer to the appropriate instruction manual for your Plasma Arc Cutting
(57 mm)
(70 mm)
Figure 2-1. Dimensional Data for the pt-31xl and pt-31xlpc torches
pt-31xl - 75° torch
pt-31xlpc - 75° torch
electric shocK caN Kill.plasma cuttiNg uses high Voltage.
sKiN coNtact With the torch, the poWer source, the WorK-
piece or aNY grouNDeD oBJect must Be aVoiDeD WheNeVer
the poWer source is oN.
usiNg the torch oN aNY poWer source Not eQuippeD With a
FloW sWitch saFetY iNterlocK maY expose operator to uN-
expecteD high Voltage.
BeFore BegiNNiNg operatioN oF the torch, reFer to the saFe-
tY precautioNs aND operatiNg iNstructioNs.
head designed for use with several plasma arc
(178 mm)
(178 mm)