Using the Phone Menus
When you touch the sound field, you have the option of attaching a saved
sound file, or recording a new one.
The following options are available by touching
Keyboard/ Preview/ Save As Draft/ Copy Text/ Insert Template/ Add Slide/
Priority Level/ Call Back #/ Save Template/ Cancel Message
Touch Send to send the message.
3. Inbox
The phone alerts you in 3 ways when you receive a new message:
Displaying a notification message on the screen.
Displaying the message icon
Playing an audio tone or vibrating, depending on your personal sound settings.
Received text messages and media messages may be searched and the contents
viewed. Received messages are displayed from newest to oldest.
Viewing Your Inbox
Up to 600 Messages (300 SMS, 100 CMAS, 100 MMS, and 100 MMS
notifications) can be stored in the Inbox.
Touch Messages
Touch a message thread, then select the desired message.
Touch Reply to reply to the message.
Touch Delete to delete the message.
- OR -
to choose from the following options:
Sort by/ Delete/ Lock/ Unlock/ Delete Inbox/ Message Settings
> Inbox.