Night mode
Select a suitable setting for photos taken in a dark environment. The
setting "Max. Range" creates sharper pictures, washes out the black
areas only slightly and generates quite a lot of noise. The setting
"Min. Blur" creates softer photos, washes out the black areas more
and generates less noise. The setting "Balanced" is preset.
Set the photo and video lighting produced by the infrared LEDs
on the front of the game camera. The infrared LEDs
can illuminate
objects at a range of up to 20 m. The further an object is from the
camera, the more light is needed. "Low brightness" is suitable for
animals that are close to the camera. "High brightness" is suitable for
animals that are further away from the camera. "Normal brightness"
is the standard preset.
Endless Capture
If the storage capacity of the microSDHC memory card
is full, but
you would still like to continue taking pictures or videos, select "On".
When new files are captured, the older files on the microSDHC
memory card
are automatically deleted. The oldest saved file is
deleted first. Afterwards, the second oldest is deleted, and so on.
Files will continue to be deleted until the new file can be saved on
the microSDHC memory card
. You can only overwrite files if the
mode selector switch
is set to the "On" position.
WK 8 A1